Is buying a property in turkey a good investment?

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Buying a property in Turkey is a good investment for many reasons.

The decision to buy a property is a hard one especially when there are a lot of choices.

Contacting a real estate agent in Turkey to help you make the right investment is the right first step to take.


Is buying a property in turkey a good investment?


Foreigners have been buying properties in Turkey for many years now.

Real estate investments in Turkey have proven to be profitable.

So, is buying a property in Turkey a good investment?

In a short answer to the above question, we can say yes, buying a property in Turkey is a good investment, but why?


Buying a property in Turkey is a good investment because


  • Property Tax in Turkey

The Turkish government is always issuing new property tax every now and then to announce constant tax cuts and facilitation.

These laws encourage foreign investors to buy properties in Turkey without worrying about paying loads of money to Taxes.

One of the most encouraging tax exemptions was the tax of the added value.


  • The urban revolution in Istanbul

Istanbul is one of the most crowded cities in the world.

It is becoming the destination for both locals and foreigners which increased the demand for real estate in general in the city.

Construction companies with the help of the government are expanding residential and commercial properties in the city to build cities within the city of Istanbul.


  • Guaranteed investment returns

Buying a property in Turkey can generate a yearly income that reaches up to 10% of the property’s total price.

This income is generated due to the high demand for renting properties in Turkey in general and specifically in Istanbul.

To choose the right kind of properties that generate a constant income it is better if the investor takes advice from a real estate agent in Turkey.


  • Buying a property and residency in Turkey

Once the investor becomes a property owner in Turkey, they have the right to a residency permit that allows them to enter Turkey without a visa.


  • Buying a property and Turkish citizenship

By buying a property or properties for the amount of 250 thousand us dollars the investor and his family have the right to Turkish citizenship.

It is strong citizenship with many benefits.


Contact us for more information about Turkish citizenship by investment


  • Full ownership

Once you have bought a property in Turkey, you have the right of full ownership it means you can rent it out, or pass it on to your heirs.


Turkey is one of the top ten real estate investment destinations in the world.

Many investors choose it over Europe due to the cheap properties in Turkey when compared to the European real estate market.


Real estate agents in Turkey made it easier for foreign investors to come and choose the right real estate investment.


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